50th anniversary of the founding of Mount Saint Francis Hermitage (USA)

September 14, 2024

On September 14, 2024, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the 50th anniversary of the founding of Mount Saint Francis Hermitage in 1974 was celebrated in a special way. The Franciscans of the Immaculate, who have resided at the Mount since 1998, were blessed to celebrate the event with the Ordinary of the Diocese of Syracuse, New York, Bishop
Douglas Lucia.

The celebration consisted mainly of an outdoor Mass, followed by a luncheon. In attendance were friars from all four friaries of the U.S. Delegation, some local diocesan clergy, several MIM members from The various cenacles on the East Coast, and about 200 faithful. The day was beautiful in every respect: from ideal weather to an Inspiring liturgy and homily from the Bishop to an enjoyable meal and social.

The Mount was originally founded by a Conventual Franciscan for the purpose of providing a place for people to pray, far from the noise and distraction of the world, and surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation – all of which St. Francis would heartily approve. The Franciscans of the Immaculate have been and continue to be the caretakers of this little piece of Heaven, as many consider it to be, but are challenged to bring about the many necessary repairs and maintenance of several aging buildings on the 150 acre property, including several hermitages available for people seeking a bit of retreat.

Given that so many have already expressed their immense gratitude for This place of grace and beauty, of peace and quiet, it is only right that the friars be up to that challenge.

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